Professional Training

We ensure that the best practices and processes we implement are aligned with training and awareness interventions. Our in-house training courses are tailor-made and approved by the Mauritius Qualifications Authority (MQA).

Sarika Subdhan is also a MQA Registered Trainer (NPF Level 8) so that all courses provided are eligible for HRDC refunds. Where necessary, we partner with recognized, credible and accredited trainers and training institutions and organisations to support you.

Topics Proposed

  • AML/CFT for beginners and AML/CFT for senior management, Compliance Officers & MLROs (the content of the course varies depending on the level of working experience of the participants)
  • Implementing Proper Corporate Governance Framework within your Organisation
  • Applying Governance, Risk & Compliance to your organisation
  • Conduct of CRS & FATCA due diligence
  • Data Protection and GDPR
  • The importance of Confidentiality in Global Business
  • Managing within the law (an insight of all applicable laws pertaining to the financial services sector)
  • Duties and Responsibilities of Directors, Corporate Secretary and Officers
  • Company Structures and legal arrangements (CIS, Foundations, Trusts, challenges of Management Companies, etc.)
  • Employment Laws & Disciplinary Actions related to Human Resources

*Requests for special topics to address specific topics / prevailing issues can also be devised*

Contact Us

Visit our services page for more details on what we do or send us your enquiry and we shall get back to you at the earliest possible.