Audits & Testing

Independent Compliance Audits and Testing

Independent Compliance Audits

Through the conduct of an external independent compliance audit, we support you to gauge the overall effectiveness of your business’s compliance practices and protocols.

We verify the extent to which your organisation complies with established standards, your commitment to the prevailing legal and regulatory guidelines or your adherence to specific contracts or terms of agreements or your internal procedures, policies and processes.

The scope of the audit will differ depending on the nature of your organization.

These internal audits are regulatory requirements in the financial services sector but in any case, help senior management make intelligent decisions based on factual findings, independent comments and professional compliance recommendations we provide.

Due to the inherit risks, Data Reporting and Data Protection have become specialised practice, requiring comprehensive knowledge and experience of cyber security, physical security, law and risk management.

We partner with recognised cyber security firms for your website vulnerability assessment which focuses on testing your websites for security flaws that could be exploited by cyber attackers.

We also assist you for Penetration Testing – a crafted set of tests conducted specifically to penetrate your cyber defences with the goal to access your specified target application or service.

Assistance for IT Audits and Penetration Testing

Contact Us

Visit our services page for more details on what we do or send us your enquiry and we shall get back to you at the earliest possible.